Saturday, 19 January 2013

snow and more snow and yellow

Could not resist going out early and seeing how the small bonsai and Witch Hazel looked and capturing shots from above in my garden. Also had footprints of small furry visitors in places. Will make some sketches in the next few's hoping.


  1. Love the Witch hazel. Would love one of those in my garden. Ever so pretty at this time year when there is nothing much else in flower. I bought a small Mahonia this year. Just waiting for it to grow. They flower now and in the Spring and have a lovely scent. Great Pictures Cas. Best Wishes Tricia.

  2. am lucky it does well in my front garden and is lovely spot of colour

  3. Lovely photos Cas, and the footprints left by the little furry creature are so clear, amazing!

  4. Just browsed your previous three posts Cas, and there are some really lovely photos and beautiful sketches. I've always enjoyed other artists sketchbooks, and this has been like going through one of yours. Fabulous, thanks for sharing!

  5. thanks Cath..I find it useful as an educational tool just to have my appraoch to collecting images...they may sit for some time before I do anything with them..if I do anything with them. Just keeping my eyes open
