Adult Education. Cas Holmes Courses at St Faith St. Maidstone, Kent
Welcome to the information page for students on my regular Adult Education courses. Students on my courses explore different approaches to painting and drawing and visit exhibitions and work. outside in good weather. Please check any suggested exhibitions and links for opening times and contact details. (Photographs on this page are copyright of the artist, apart from those sourced from providers of public domain copyright.) . Details of current course projects are on this page please scroll down.
You can find my courses by via this link or just place my name in the search boxes. Interview on Adult Education website.
Weekend courses continue until Summer 2016. Enrollments for 30 week Drawing and Painting courses starting from September 2016 are open.
You are very welcome to pop along to see what we do if you are considering enrolling
To enrol follow this link and enter my name under search bar or contact Kent Adult Education on
Update Spring Greens Textiles Course. A lovely report by Casey Harris
Displaced Collage
Welcome to the information page for students on my regular Adult Education courses. Students on my courses explore different approaches to painting and drawing and visit exhibitions and work. outside in good weather. Please check any suggested exhibitions and links for opening times and contact details. (Photographs on this page are copyright of the artist, apart from those sourced from providers of public domain copyright.) . Details of current course projects are on this page please scroll down.
You can find my courses by via this link or just place my name in the search boxes. Interview on Adult Education website.
You are very welcome to pop along to see what we do if you are considering enrolling
To enrol follow this link and enter my name under search bar or contact Kent Adult Education on
0845 6065606 Minicom: 0845 824 7905. between 8 am and 8pm Monday to Friday or visit
I also run a few one day Saturday textile courses and a Summer School on 20 and 21st July. They are really good value. Further details on this link.Update Spring Greens Textiles Course. A lovely report by Casey Harris
Displaced Collage

Colour and form in life drawing
Student work on the stairs at St Faiths exploring Fauvist Trees
My students participated in Inspired by Maidstone Museum; An Exhibition by St Faiths Students at Maidstone Museum.
Students on art classes used the wonderful range of museum collections as inspiration for their work, visiting the museum to draw and paint. Each class selected a winner and a runner up and the results are displayed within the museum cafe for you to enjoy(until April 4) Some of the background work and pieces are included here.

Left to Right: Lesley, Sara, Jeanette, Margie and Patsy

Michael above and Lynn and Ruth on the right
Tony Top and Diane Bottom
Found Object in Textile Art
Images kind permission of students. All images and text copyright Cas Holmes 2016.
All rights reserved.
We appreciate you to share this information with your friends/ colleagues who are interested to join this program avaliação de cursos