Montcuq market text and images in the produce stalls and Graffiti on a door in Cahors.
This piece, a detail from Indian Journal uses woodblocks and roofing felt. We were extending the house at the time. People generously sending in pieces for Tea Flora Tales
have used a variety of text and images.This work will be shown at The Beaney Gallery, (Canterbury Museum) from the 30th November.Details of this and current exhibitions can be found on my blog.
Picasso and the cubists used text and images in collages referring to everyday objects and scenes.The definition of collage, as found in the Oxford English Dictionary, is “an
abstract form of art in which photographs, pieces of paper, newspaper cuttings,
string, etc. are placed in juxtaposition and glued to the pictorial surface.

Picasso "Still-Life
with Chair-Caning

Kurt Schwitters
Taking their inspiration from both photographs and drawings made on location and the text and images found on route with their own collections students on the course at Preniac developed their own textiles collage pieces reflecting everyday references. Thankyou to the students who kindly allowed me to use images of their work.

Jug print and map (Barbara) Folding book form with a sea theme (Daphne)
Marie Antoinette and Cahors (Ellen/right)
Detail of blue collage (Jeannie)
Connected Details (Flo/right)
Pots and paper (Jenni)
Connected Details (Flo/right)
Pots and paper (Jenni)
Riot (Jo)
Book form sketch (Gail)
Detail of my quick stitch sketch of sunflowers.
And finally some sunflowers, my name on a car plate!
Thanks to Bill and Liz for wonderful food, company and more.
I am returning to studio Preniac in May-June all I have to do is plan what to do.