As Summer sets in the play of shadows chasing across the landscape become more evident. I enjoy the intimate play of light and colour on walls, footpaths and the reflections on windows and through glass.
These images taken in Plymouth are the a few from a series which look at transparent and opaque surfaces and marks in these 'found observations'. Texture and light in ordinary objects and things have own narratives which I like to explore in my work. The detail below from a piece 'View from a Medway Barge' links drawing with printed and layered surfaces.You can find inspiration in simple things.
The sketch made whilst in Australia looks at reflected views in a window of the trees in bush and the bedstead just outside the window.
Printing is one way of taking a direct 'mirror' image of an object. This is a group print experiment by students at attending a workshop at Mad Hatter Studios
Dame Elizabeth Blackadder DBE RA, uses reflections and what may seem to be disparate objects as seen in 'Still-life with Mirror and Japanese Print'.
My next Summer School at West Dean 'Tracing Shadows' presents the opportunity to explore some of these ideas.