Below are a few diary items from 2012
December 12 Changes
Winter is upon us. Woke up early and watched the cold morning light hit the trees in Mote park. Views from my windows in the early light. Sketches mad at the time with the sounds of Crows and Magpies on my roof and in the trees in the background.

Back from Scotland
Views of the Tay and things seen on an October walk and a few sketches.
Kent out and about. September 12
October 2012. Spent a little time in
Dungeness, just enough time to make a sketch. In the next few months, as
Winter draws in most of the views will be through windows.
September 2012. Went for a walk along
the Medway in Maidstone. Barges, birds on a train and weeds. Where
inside and outside spaces meet.
Love the domesticity of the barges and bright use of colour. |
Wonderful old sailing barge against skyline |
The inside and outside spaces meet on top deck. |
Wildflowers along the river and on deck in containers. |
Met this parrot on a train, a regular traveller on the Medway line. |
Tea-Flora-Tales. August 2012
I am working on a stitched 'collaborative' piece started at Festival of Quilts and continuing, Tea-Flora-Tales reflecting
my on-going interest in wild spaces on the edges of our urban
environment. Composed of small pages from an old book on stitch
patterns, you are welcome to contribute at Knitting and Stitching Show where you will hand stitch a small memento/piece of
waste fabric with flora image on to your own page alongside a teabag to make a continuing record
reflecting these special places.
Lea Valley Weeds July 2012
images and sketches from the Lea Valley in London, memories of what was
once there and a trace of what remains in the Olympic shadow. like Norfolk
Norfolk/Suffolk border Trees |
Pembrokeshire Wales
Bird footprints in concrete out seen when walking along the Pembrokeshire Coast